Cacai Bauer

Place of birth: João Pessoa-PB
Date of Birth: 11/04/1968
Artistic and cultural activities: singer, composer and violinist.
Practice Area: State, Region, City and Neighborhood
Phone: (21) 9999999
Cailana Eduarda Bauer Lemos, 26, is a student, actress, enjoys fashion and dance, turns and moves, is participating in TV programs and is very good as a digital influencer where she is known as Cacai Bauer.
She says “I was born with down syndrome , but my genetic condition does not define me, I know how to read and write, in love with the theater, I wanted to bring my gift of dancing and acting to social networks, today I am the first digital influencer with down syndrome. down the world, being an ambassador for the cause in the Ativa 21 project and has participated in several TV programs, political events and initiatives on the subject. We were the first family from Bahia to participate in the Super Nanny program , we were on Saturday with Celso Portioli, I recorded with Preta Gil and Fit dance, I was on top of Carla Pérez's trio, I participated in two editions of Teletom on the digital bench, I was the cover of all Teen , and I'm part of advertising campaigns for big brands”.
Her Youtube channel has already accumulated millions of views and more than 270 thousand subscribers. On Instagram, success is no different. More than 326,000 followers follow his posts, which also include photos of his routine. On Tik Tok, Cacai has 1.6 million followers and over 1.9 million views.
According to Cacai's mother, administrator Janaína Lemos , “Since she was little she was always very communicative and showed us how great she was on stage. In school presentations, she was the one who went ahead”.
The influencer debuted in February 2016 with the video “My diary no”, in which she plays with the fact that her younger brother is curious to see what she wrote in her more than seven diaries. “Two weeks later, the YouTube channel had more than 200 subscribers. We can't imagine all this success” , said Janaína.
The type of content posted has changed little. Everything seeks to bring Cacai's routine and amuse her followers through the humor she loves so much, especially in parodies with well-known songs and humor videos with characters that Cacai likes. Using a lot of creativity, songs such as “Vai Malandra” and “ Jenifer ” became original songs such as “Vai retarded” and “O nome dela é preguiça”. The taste for humor is such that Cacai created the character “ Cailano ” alone, the protagonist of several videos and posts.
However, the networks of Cacai do not live only from fans . During her lifetime as a digital influencer, she's already had to deal with bad receptions. But when she talks about these so-called “ haters ” on the internet, she shows attitude: “Do you know what I do with haters? I don't know! My fans will always defend me”, he says.
Agents: Felipe Didonih and Mynd
His Brazilian musicality and bold interpretations won, in addition to a loyal audience, the praise of critics. As an interpreter, Erick worked with the groups Cesta Básica (PB), Mercedes Band (CE) and Grupo Etc and Tal (AL), already with the groups Sine Qua Non (PB) and Zaraquê Trio (RN) recorded albums where he also acted as composer.