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TV Sempre

TV Sempre

Place of birth: João Pessoa-PB

Date of Birth: 11/04/1968

Artistic and cultural activities: singer, composer and violinist.

Practice Area: State, Region, City and Neighborhood


Phone: (21) 9999999

A channel from Bahia with about 75% of local content and interference from news from all over the country and the world, including entertainment and travel programs. Headquartered in Lauro de Freitas and in the media market for 5 years, “A Rede Semper” reaches 280 thousand Bahian households, covering not only Lauro de Freitas but also other municipalities in the greater Salvador.

Through LEDs in commercial points with airing in Lauro de Freitas and surroundings, the network focuses on making available the programming schedule in the area of ​​art and culture through its official website.


His Brazilian musicality and bold interpretations won, in addition to a loyal audience, the praise of critics. As an interpreter, Erick worked with the groups Cesta Básica (PB), Mercedes Band (CE) and Grupo Etc and Tal (AL), already with the groups Sine Qua Non (PB) and Zaraquê Trio (RN) recorded albums where he also acted as composer.



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