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Professor Gildásio

Professor Gildásio

Place of birth: João Pessoa-PB

Date of Birth: 11/04/1968

Artistic and cultural activities: singer, composer and violinist.

Practice Area: State, Region, City and Neighborhood


Phone: (21) 9999999

Gildásio Vieira de Freitas is a professor, historian, cordelist, cultural activist and visual artist. Recently (2021) he was named "Guardian of the Memory of Lauro de Freitas" by the Education and Curriculum Research Group (GPEC), headquartered at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), with support from the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Bahia (FAPESB), Professor Gilsásio already had the title of Guardian of Culture by FENACAB (National Federation of Afro-Brazilian Cult).

Professor Gildásio was honored at the 2020 Carnival by the Bloco Carnavilas , when Lauro de Freitas walked with a doll in his honor throughout the procession in Vilas do Atlântico, in the last major event open to the public that preceded the Covid19 pandemic.

As a visual artist, he received awards and participated in several salons and exhibitions and one of the three Lauro de Freitas artists selected for the VII Bienal do Recôncavo at the Dannemann Cultural Center – São Félix, Bahia – 2006.

As a student at UFBA, he had the opportunity to live with distinguished professors, including Cid Teixeira; Consuelo Pondé de Sena; Jeferson Bacelar and Hilda Paraíso, among others, falling in love with Bahian culture, dedicating himself, with special interest, to the region of Santo Amaro do Ipitanga and its surroundings. When he moved to Lauro de Freitas, he found that material for research published so far was practically non-existent in this area, which until recently (1962) incorporated the territory of the Bahia capital.

Its entry is included in the Bahia Authors Dictionary, published by the State Government/Secretary of Culture and Tourism (2006), in addition to several books with a preface of its authorship; it has hundreds of articles published in newspapers and magazines in several municipalities and in the main press organs of Lauro de Freitas; participates in several institutions: effective member of the Academy of Letters and Arts of the Metropolitan Region (ALARME), effective member of the Geographical and Historical Institute of Bahia and director of the Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Letters and Arts of Lauro de Freitas – ALALF.

Founder and first director of the Municipal Public Library of Lauro de Freitas. During his tenure, he was recognized by the National Foundation of the Ministry of Culture, through the National Book Institute; founder of Jornal de Lauro de Freitas, later Revista de Lauro de Freitas, only interrupting circulation after four years, due to the death of his partner, the late journalist Francisco Fagundes Filho.

Owner of a pragmatic intelligence, Professor Gildásio, together with his partners Tobé Velloso and Flau Fontenelle, commands the Arcas de Ipitanga Project, which proposes the creation and maintenance of a library, municipal museum and theater and circus activities.

With his invaluable creativity, in addition to his constant literary production, Professor Gildásio is always collaborating with the city's cultural community, providing his invaluable guidance and experienced eyes. He is one of the main contributors to the Lauro Criativa initiative, the first digital platform to digitally catalog workers in culture.

Born on August 14, 1948, he is the husband of artisan Nelci Piaggio and father of designer Carla Piaggio. Family talents!


Vilas do Atlântico – 40 years (2020)

O Levante do Rio Joanes – based on the work of the gaúcho historian Prof. Décio Freitas

From Ipitanga to Lauro de Freitas: a brief history of the Ipitanguense people (2019)

Book a História by Lauro de Freitas (2008), co-authored with Professor Emanoel Paranhos.

Ipitanga and its surroundings (2007);

A Weekend in Lauro de Freitas (2006);

Afro-Brazilian influences and contributions in Lauro de Freitas (2006);

History booklet by Lauro de Freitas (1992 / 1998), co-authored with professor Emanoel Paranhos.

Occupation area:

Historian, Writer, Cordelist, Cultural Activist, Plastic Artist

References: Accessed on April 14 2021; 397425927070751>. Accessed on Feb 06. 2021.>. Accessed on Feb 06. 2021.

His Brazilian musicality and bold interpretations won, in addition to a loyal audience, the praise of critics. As an interpreter, Erick worked with the groups Cesta Básica (PB), Mercedes Band (CE) and Grupo Etc and Tal (AL), already with the groups Sine Qua Non (PB) and Zaraquê Trio (RN) recorded albums where he also acted as composer.



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