Mestre Artêmio
Place of birth: João Pessoa-PB
Date of Birth: 11/04/1968
Artistic and cultural activities: singer, composer and violinist.
Practice Area: State, Region, City and Neighborhood
Phone: (21) 9999999
Artemio da Luz de Jesus, born on August 24, 1970, from Santo Amaro de Ipitanga- Ba. Santo Amaro do Ipitanga yes, because it does not recognize the change of name of its community. Son of Mr. Celindo Evangelista de Jesus (Mestre Lindão) already deceased and of Mrs. Antônia da Luz de Jesus, married, has a son ( Artêmio Júnior) and his first training was in mechanic technician, which took him for 13 years to the petrochemical area ; also graduated in pedagogy, acting as a theater and circus art teacher in the municipal public schools, where he is especially dedicated to the rescue of popular culture. Awarded as a Master of Popular Culture by the Academy of Letters and Arts of Lauro de Freitas (ALAF), Doctor Honoris Causa in Culture, Arts and Human Rights Management, by the UNI-American Corporate University of the Americas and by the Université Libre des Sciences de L' Home from Paris.
His had already been a great cultural activist in his time, but when he died, Artêmio was still a child and they were the stories of his grandmother in particular, but also of the whole family and people from the community that lived with Lindão, whether in Portão where he lived or also in the Center; “They always told me – boy, you're the same thing as your father,” he says. It was like that, they always brought him the paternal references that sharpened his sensitivity to culture, it's in the gen.
Artemio founded and is responsible for the Grupo Cultural Bambole, Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Lauro de Freitas, which brings together theater, dance, circus arts and the rescue of popular culture, as well as the groups “Samba LUZ'S LOBOS” and “Som na Mala”; he also created the “Quem Guenta ” block , the “Suit Bambolê” (Suit of Kings), was one of the creators of the “Arrasta Jegue”. It is also responsible for keeping alive the tradition of the Masquerades. He rescued the tradition "Chapéu & Gravata" of São João inspired by the tales of his grandmother, who told him that his father and other residents dressed in a jacket, hat, tie and shorts came out singing and playing, knocking on doors, asking for São João The positive answer was an authorization to enter the houses, playing, eating, going from one house to another, which was a cultural manifestation of reference in Bahia for the June festivities that succumbed with the spectacularization of São João.
Several Samba performances with the group Luz'S Lobo'S were produced in partnership with Roro Parente, Sidnei, Lecinho (deceased), Sivan , Cacheiro, Edivaldo, Binho, Mudinho and many friends. After the death of my cousin Lecinho , the group changed from samba to children's entertainment with Sidnei, Júnior Laminha , Edivaldo, Drei Sena, Roro Parente and Duzinho Nery.
About being a master of culture, he teaches that it is necessary to know the fundamentals of culture and be in contact with the masters of the city, learn from them. He says that despite being younger, the appreciation of the knowledge of these masters brought him the aptitude to not only absorb, but experience culture through its ancestry, through its traditionality. “Culture is not learned, it is lived. The masters of culture pass by, as I am also passing by, and the memories, the actions, the methods need to be shared, especially through the experience, and brought to knowledge so that other people can pick up our baton”, he comments.
In addition to the activities he rescued from the stories he was told about his father (Mestre Lindão), through the contexts brought by the interaction and hearing of Master Aideê Nascimento de Portão, from the Suit of Reis Estrela Dalva, he was able to rescue the Comédia das Flores, a great dream of her, which she can develop together with the Babolê Group. “She gave us, straight from her memories, the melodies, the development, the lyrics and we reached a result that moved us all”. With the late Mestra Nicota , Mestra Aideê , Mestra Badinha and Mestres Balaeiro , who left us recently, I learned a lot about the Suit de Reis, another great reference of mine is Mestre Candinho (already deceased), my grandmother Francisca who I also consider as a teacher for all the memory it brought me about the cultural expression that it experienced. He also highlights his partnership with Raimunda (Cigana, nickname received by her appearance), community leader, cultural activist and merchant, with whom she developed several activities for many years, such as: washing, burning judas, children's party, Bahia's day and many others highlighting the “As Tá Boas” block, the name created by the community leader.
The main objective of Mestre Artemio is the sociocultural inclusion and cultural awareness of the young people with whom he has the opportunity to work. For him, it is important that each member of the group can be a multiplier of popular manifestations in the future, passing on the traditions, history and identity of our city, always reflecting tradition and ancestry, which he also guides and shares with his son born in 2015.
Mestre Artemio was honored in the Calendar of the Municipal Culture Masters in 2017; his work was also the object of the book Memories and Cultural Representations by Artemio Luz in Lauro de Freitas, organized by Nildélia Souza Silva, Vânia Pessoa JB dos Santos and Norma Lúcia S. Costa by Editora CRV; and the book Biografia de Artemio – Hula Hoop by Student Miriam from Escola Tia Lúcia, which greatly touched the master.
His Brazilian musicality and bold interpretations won, in addition to a loyal audience, the praise of critics. As an interpreter, Erick worked with the groups Cesta Básica (PB), Mercedes Band (CE) and Grupo Etc and Tal (AL), already with the groups Sine Qua Non (PB) and Zaraquê Trio (RN) recorded albums where he also acted as composer.