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Mãe Mirinha de Portão

Mãe Mirinha de Portão

Place of birth: João Pessoa-PB

Date of Birth: 11/04/1968

Artistic and cultural activities: singer, composer and violinist.

Practice Area: State, Region, City and Neighborhood


Phone: (21) 9999999

Filha Nestor and Maria Lena, Altanira Maria Conceição Souza, the girl Mirinha was born on December 21, 1924, in Lauro de Freitas-BA, grew up like any needy child from the periphery and at the age of 8 went to live with her godmother in the city of Salvador aiming to help with household chores.

It didn't take long for the calls to come for the girl Mirinha to join the Candomblé religion. Her fleshly sister Claudina (nicknamed Coló ) took her to the house of the then young Father of Santo João Alves Torres Filho, who would later become the legendary Joãozinho da Goméia.

Mirinha was initiated on October 17, 1937, following her path within the Religion, returns to Portão on December 25, 1952. In the course of her life, Mirinha marries Jarson da Costa Souza, an employee of the Municipality of Salvador, better known as Garrincha, which contributed a lot to the elevation of the name of Mirinha de Portão nationally and internationally.

A lot of social work was developed by Mirinha de Portão by the local community, such as Public Transport, Hospitals, Health Posts, Food Campaigns, among other actions. Mirinha participated in the filming of the work of her beloved friend Jorge Amado: Os Pastores da Noite and Tenda dos Milagres, giving visibility to the community of Portão.

On February 18, 1989, Mãe Mirinha died after four years of fighting lymphoma. The loss of Mão Mirinha de Portão left a huge void in the lives of everyone who knew her and/or lived in the Portão Community, she was an authentic voice dedicated to the struggle for social and racial equality.

The City Hall of Lauro de Freitas paid homage to Mãe Mirinha de Portão, giving her name to the Tourist Terminal that exists on the banks of the River Joanes, the same river where Mãe Mirinha lived her childhood mischief and where the waters served as her company throughout. life.

On April 15, 2004, Terreiro São Jorge Filhos da Goméia was listed as Cultural Heritage of the State of Bahia, through IPAC - Institute of Artistic and Cultural Heritage of the State of Bahia, the result of the hard work of Mãe Mirinha developed over the years and of his granddaughter and successor Mameto Kamurici.

Israela Ramos

Sources: black movement/

His Brazilian musicality and bold interpretations won, in addition to a loyal audience, the praise of critics. As an interpreter, Erick worked with the groups Cesta Básica (PB), Mercedes Band (CE) and Grupo Etc and Tal (AL), already with the groups Sine Qua Non (PB) and Zaraquê Trio (RN) recorded albums where he also acted as composer.



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