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Saltadores de Ipitanga de Lauro de Freitas

Saltadores de Ipitanga de Lauro de Freitas

Place of birth: João Pessoa-PB

Date of Birth: 11/04/1968

Artistic and cultural activities: singer, composer and violinist.

Practice Area: State, Region, City and Neighborhood


Phone: (21) 9999999

Trajectory of the Cultural Group

The idea of creating the group arose during the event “Agito e Ação Cultural” at the Cine Teatro de Lauro de Freitas, Contramestre Didico (Adriano Sales Fiaes ) was invited by the dramaturgy actors of Lauro de Freitas, through director Alberto Velloso ( Tobé Velloso) to perform a brief presentation of Acrobatics and Somersaults.

At that time, Foreman had the support of two students, the twin brothers Alexandre and Alex who participated together with Didico in the development of this cultural activity. After the event, the foreman had the idea of creating the folklore and acrobatic cultural group and named it “Salters of Ipitanga ”, in honor of the city of Lauro de Freitas known in the past as Santo Amaro de Ipitanga.

On September 22, 2019, the first official presentation of the group was held during the event “Arena Community Circus Show“. He also participated in the “36° Lavagem do Caranguejo” and the “Festa do Padroeiro de Santo Amaro de Ipitanga de Lauro de Freitas” where they provided the public with a show of high level of professionalism, with the participation of the mayor of Lauro de Freitas, Moema Isabel Passos Gramacho , as guest of the presentation.

Their last artistic performance before the COVID-19 pandemic took place on February 4, 2020 at the “Competition of the King Momo and Queen of Carnival 2020” where they presented a very daring acrobatic number with jumps and obstacles, as well as interacting with the judges.


Interview conducted with Adriano Sales Fiaes on March 31, 2021 by Jonas Nascimento

His Brazilian musicality and bold interpretations won, in addition to a loyal audience, the praise of critics. As an interpreter, Erick worked with the groups Cesta Básica (PB), Mercedes Band (CE) and Grupo Etc and Tal (AL), already with the groups Sine Qua Non (PB) and Zaraquê Trio (RN) recorded albums where he also acted as composer.



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